就是 happy things
Happy things
happy happiness bliss welfare weal blessedness
1. blessedness
2. eudaemonia
3. eudemonia
4. felicity
5. weal
6. welfare
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the happiest thing
one of the happiest things
如果是某些表示比较级、最高级不变化的词,如important的话,就要用the most important thing。
2012 i was in the most painful thing, there is also my most happy thing
the happiest thing
one of the happiest things
The most happy thing
In the Happy Life, the author tells us what the happy life is in his eyes. A happy life is not the easy, smooth, vegetating life, but is made up of brief grand blessedness which is obtained through hard work. The happy life cannot be sought deliberately; hence, we should never flatter others but tell truth in love. Sacrifices should be contained in the happy life as well.
I cannot agree with the authors definition of the happy life any more. Many people are running after happy lives, but only a few of them know what happiness is. Usually asked what the happiness is, I generally use some brief nouns such as well-being, satisfaction, etc. to definite it. There is no doubt that what I am thinking about happiness are the answers of many other people’s. After reading this passage, we learn a totally new explanation of the happy life. As the author says the remembrance of a brief grand blessedness may be sweeter and more precious than years upon years of quiet, uninterrupted content. Only through a progress of hardworking can we feel the real happiness of life. Providing there are two apples on a tree; one can be reached easily while the other is beyond your reach. You get the first apple easily, let us say, and then you try to reach the second one. After jumping up you finally manage to get it. The moment you get the second apple you must be happier than the moment you get the first one. What makes you happier is the progress of making efforts.
What’s more, the opinion that the happiness cannot be deliberately sought impresses me as well. People always dislike the warnings. Therefore they prefer to be flattered and to flatter others, thinking that what they have done will make others happy. As a matter of fact, they’re absolutely wrong. We’re always ignoring the injuries of flattery. We may be happy for a short moment, however, in the light of time’s perspective we’re greatly injuries. Because these flatteries will make us far from the truth and discourage us to improve our personal qualities.
The happy life is a remarkable essay. The author uses his wisdom to analyze the essence of happy life logically. He also set some examples to illustrate his viewpoint powerfully. We learn from his words what the real happy life is and we should pursue the happy life correctly.
Life is colorful, with laughter, tears, a melancholy, frustration. . . There are two ways of living. A kind of living is live, and the other is alive, alive. The former way of life is lived to a good state of mind; a passionate emotion; a kind of wild enthusiasm; a good attitude towards life to live. To laissez-faire itself, with freedom, arbitrary. The latter live to live and live, only has a breathing, thinking; there is no soul; Empty a shell. Everyone wants to have a good life, affluent, spacious housing. But sometimes life is helpless,
Is complex, is empty, is beyond our control. In fact, simple, flat light of life is happiness.
What is happiness?
You know what is happiness?
Happiness is brushed by mother warm arms of warmth. Happiness is on the shoulders of lover broad sweet, Happiness is tender caress skin lovingkindness; children Happiness is watching parents vicissitudes face of homage.
幸福,是偎依在妈妈温暖怀抱里的温馨; 幸福,是依靠在恋人宽阔肩膀上的甜蜜; 幸福,是抚摸儿女细嫩皮肤的慈爱; 幸福,是注视父母沧桑面庞的敬意。
1、xìng 幸,吉而免凶也。——《说文》幸而至于旦。——《礼记·檀弓》不幸短命死矣。——《论语》。皇疏:“凡应死而生曰幸。应生而死曰不幸。” 幸甚—
2、xìng 通“倖”。侥幸 [luckily] 非分而得谓之幸。——《小尔雅》朝无幸位。——《荀子·富国》。注:“无德而禄谓之幸位。”
小人见人之厄则幸之。——《公羊传·宣公十五年》。注:“侥倖也。” 幸得脱矣。——《史记·廉颇蔺相如列传》幸皆杀之。——唐·柳宗元《童区寄传》朕自得丞相,幸成
幸亏 [fortunately] 幸大雪踰岭。——唐·柳宗元《柳河东集》幸诚门未有烧。——《广东军务记》幸彼苍默佦又如:幸为(幸而);幸然(幸亏);幸赖(幸
亏依靠);;幸得(幸亏);幸偶(幸运而偶然遇合) 表敬,副词,表明对方的行为使自己感到幸运 [be lucky] 亦幸赦臣。——《史记·廉颇蔺相如列传》乃幸
3、xìng. 使…欢乐、愉快或欣喜;庆幸 [rejoice over one’s happiness or good fortune]
愿大王以幸天下。——《汉书·高帝纪下》宠爱 [favor] 幸
4 、xìng 幸福 [happiness] 大丈夫得死于疆场者,幸也,吾何恨焉?——《三国演义》受宠的人 [favourite]
幸福没有绝对的答案,关键在于你的生活态度。 同样的一天,如果以不同的心情去面对,将会是不同色彩。不论你面临什么事,这种想法都将产生积极的效用,甚至将困难与不
面对世界上的一切,只有失去了,我们才会懂得珍惜。幸福也是如此,只有紧紧抓住它,才不会让它稍纵即逝。 我们常常喜欢回忆幸福的往事,希望回到幸福的那一刻。可是你
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