
laoshi 职场技能 2023-09-09 12:42:08

导读:Brainstorming is a technique for freely generating ideas aimed at specific problems or situations. It is a collaborative approach that encourages open communication and the submission of 'wild, crazy, and impossible ideas' to enhance problem-solving. The concept of brainstorming was proposed by Alex Osborn, a leader in the advertising industry, who believed that standard business meetings inhibited the creation and sharing of new ideas. Brainstorming can be conducted in teams or individually, and should involve the preparation of a meeting room with space for taking notes, whiteboarding, or other effective tools, as well as the designation of someone to write on the whiteboard. The key to a successful brainstorming session is to welcome all opinions, avoid criticism, and encourage the submission of as many ideas as possible.如下为头脑风暴团队中的正确打开方式的文章内容,供大家参考。


"Brainstorming": The Right Way to Open in Teams

"Brainstorming" is a technique for freely generating ideas aimed at specific problems or situations. Its concept is that nothing should be rejected before all ideas have been put forward. Although brainstorming is typically done in groups, an individual can certainly hold a brainstorming session by writing down their own ideas. The creator of brainstorming was Alex Osborn, a leader in the advertising industry who passed away in 1966. Osborn believed that standard business meetings inhibited the creation and sharing of new ideas. Therefore, he wanted to propose a new method for developing ideas. He formulated the following rules for brainstorming: welcome all opinions and do not accept criticism, the more ideas, the better, you are seeking quantity. When sharing ideas, people will interdepend on each other. Encourage wild, crazy, and impossible ideas.

How does brainstorming work in a meeting? There are many different ways to conduct a brainstorming session, but here are seven basic principles that can make both brainstorming sessions and other meetings successful.

1. Prepare the meeting: You need a meeting room with space for taking notes. You can use flip charts, whiteboards, computers with screen projection, or anything else that works effectively for your team. Make sure you have the necessary materials, such as enough ink pens. Designate someone to write on the whiteboard. The key is handwriting, not whether it looks neat. An administrator can take notes, but a vice president can also fulfill the role of note-taker.

2. Gather together: Interactivity between participants is a crucial part of brainstorming. This can be achieved through video conferencing, but if possible, having everyone in the same room can be helpful. If you expect the meeting to last a long time, it is also okay to have some snacks and drinks.

3. Clearly state the problem: The purpose of brainstorming is to address a specific problem. One good method is to write the problem clearly at the top of the whiteboard. For example, "Location for Company Picnic" or "How to Ensure Employees Always Clock-In and Clock-Out" or "Ideas for a New Marketing Campaign." Making this visible to everyone helps focus the meeting.

4. Provide necessary background information: Ideally, you should provide the necessary information before the meeting, but sometimes you need to provide it during the meeting. For example, if your problem is "How to Ensure Employees Always Clock-Out," you will need to explain why there is an issue, which teams forget to clock-out, what the consequences are, and so on. Without this information, participants may not understand the true need for the brainstorming session, which can decrease the likelihood of a successful meeting and viable solutions.

5. No bad ideas in brainstorming: Of course, while the group may come up with some bad ideas, members are asked not to offer criticisms until the end of the brainstorming session. The note-taker should record any discarded ideas without commenting or criticizing. Other members should also be mindful not to make negative comments. Remember, Idea A may spark an idea in the mind of B, which leads C to the ultimate choice. Ideas do not need to be logical or feasible; just throw them out.

6. Set time limits: A good brainstorming session does not last long. Depending on the problem, 10 minutes or even 5 minutes is sufficient. Other discussions may last longer, but regardless, state in advance how long this process will take. The pressure of limited time can spur creativity.

7. Review your list of ideas: Once the brainstorming session is over, the group can discuss the list and select the most promising ideas. Even at this stage, be careful not to be overly critical of rejected ideas. Why? You want your team members to be willing and excited to share their ideas next time. When you have a list of the most promising ideas, you can start researching to determine which one can be implemented.

Is brainstorming the best tool for finding creative solutions? Some people believe so, but others think that quickly creating a list does not allow for truly great ideas. If you choose to use brainstorming as a technique for generating ideas, you don't have to limit yourself to just that stage. Better things can happen tomorrow, so nothing is unpleasant.

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